CP Dive Club is a non-profit youth and adult diving team teaching springboard and platform diving. We train at Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC) in Walnut, CA Monday - Saturday. Our lessons and team are great platforms into high school and college diving. Diving is the ultimate sport combining strength, tumbling, and courage.
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Full Approach Front Jump - FAFJ - 100
Notice the diver steps heel first. This can be done to a cadence of Step - Step - Push Hurdle Up - Step and stretch - circle and go... Notice knee in hurdle above belly button. Steps are normal walking steps in length. Beginners typically learn a three step approach and add a 4th or 5th step as they grow and get stronger.
Back Jump - 200A
Diver has 1/2 foot on board - heels are raised slightly. Arms at a T position slightly behind shoulders slightly above shoulders. From T position - raise laterally to a Y position - legs start to squat - 12 o'clock to 12 o'clock arm circle and reach.
10 Bounce Front Jump
Notice the precision of 12 o'clock to 12 o'clock arm circle. Only motion should be squat and arm circle. notice the head and upperbody doesn't move through the squat and circle. A diver should be able to bounce on the end of the diving board any number of times keeping control and balance.
Back and Reverse Take Offs
Both backwards and reverse dives utilize a stable head and upper body while legs squat then arms circle 12 o'clock to 12 o'clock making the biggest circle possible with hands finishing narrow and arms behind the ears.